Max Fahn

Max Fahn, M. Sc.

PhD Student

Group of Prof. Giesel
Institute of Theoretical Physics

Room: Room 02.506
Staudtstr. 7/B2
91058 Erlangen

Research Areas

– Gravitationally induced decoherence effects in different field theoretic matter systems and in neutrino oscillations

– Open quantum systems with gravity as environment, also considering different quantisations for gravity

– Reference frame dependence of decoherence effects

Academic History

since 2021: PhD student at the Institute for Quantum Gravity at FAU within the Elite graduate programme ”Physics Advanced with integrated doctorate programme”

2017 – 2020: Master at FAU and University of Regensburg, Elite graduate programme ”Physics Advanced with integrated doctorate programme” Master’s Thesis on “Gravitationally induced decoherence in open quantum systems using linearised gravity formulated in Ashtekar variables” at the Institute for Quantum Gravity at FAU

2014 – 2018: Bachelor at FAU and University of Regensburg, Elite graduate programme ”Physics Advanced with integrated doctorate programme” Bachelor’s Thesis on “Asymptotic analysis of many-body interference in Boson Sampling devices” (mainly at the University of Regensburg)