Giulia Maniccia

Giulia Maniccia, M. Sc.

Guest Researcher

Group of Prof. Giesel
Institute of Theoretical Physics

Room: Room 02.706
Staudtstr. 7/B2
91058 Erlangen

Research Areas

The role of reference fluids in Quantum Gravity and Cosmology

Academic History

— 03/2024-present: Guest Researcher at Institute for Quantum Gravity, Erlangen, Germany

— 09/2023-12/2023: Visiting Ph.D. student at Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, France

— 2020-2024: PhD with scholarship in Theoretical Physics at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy; INFN Associate, section of Rome 1, TAsP research network

— 2015-2020: Bachelor and Master degrees in Physics at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy