Renata Ferrero

Dr. Renata Ferrero


Group of Prof. Giesel, Group of Prof. Thiemann
Institute of Theoretical Physics

Room: Room 02.732
Staudtstr. 7/B2
91058 Erlangen

Research Areas

Quantum Gravity, Asymptotic Safety, Relational formalism, Canonical Quantisation, Gravitational Decoherence

Academic History

I graduated in Physics (BSc) at La Sapienza University of Rome. For my Master I took part to the European Joint Master Program University of Trento – SISSA (International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste). I graduated in 2019 with a thesis on “Models for the accelerated cosmological expansion” supervised by Prof. Roberto Percacci. In 2023 I obtained my PhD in Theoretical Physics under the supervision of Prof. Martin Reuter at the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz. I worked on quantum gravity, predominantly – but not exclusively – on aspects related to Asymptotic Safety, as well as on more general problems in general relativity and quantum field theory. Since October 2023 I am a Postdoc at the Institute for Quantum Gravity at the FAU, Erlangen.